Read our tesimonials

"After many weeks, one day while he was at school, Alex decided to go and use the toilet! This was a huge breakthrough! Gradually Alex started to use the toilet at home also, and for the past few months Alex has been fully toilet trained and is no longer wearing nappies. Alex’s mum believes that the story helped a great deal in helping to toilet train Alex, because the first time he decided to try using the toilet, he knew exactly what to do and was able to tell other people how Mario goes to the toilet.

I would strongly recommend for other parents to try using this approach – having a BILS to help children understand what they are expected to do and incorporating their special interest is a great way to motivate them to engage with it, which in turn helps them to understand the task you want them to do.” 

Vicki Smart, Autism West Midlands Family Outreach Coordinator.

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